Graduate Research Assistant |
Research Areas |

Ubeydullah Ademi Political Science
- Representation in non-democratic regimes
- Armed groups
- Computational social science

Michael Armah Statistics
- Social statistics
- Meta analysis
 Tessa Bonomo Economics
- Public economics
- Labor economics
- Economics of social safety net and anti-poverty policy
 Michelle Bueno Vásquez Political Science
- Political psychology
- Political behavior of Afro-Caribbean and Afro-Latino communities and diasporas in the United States and Latin America
 Elif Buyukakbas Sociology
- Migration, mobilities, and inequality
- Transnationalism and remittances
- Gender arrangements and family
 Jonathan Doriscar Psychology
 Brandon Dull Psychology
 Matthew Forte Statistics
 Jack Garigliano Political Science
- Political economy
- Political parties
- Labor
 Sosthène Guei Human Development and Social Policy
 Lyric Hathaway Sociology
- Migration and Globalization
- Social Stratification
- The American South
 Gracie Hayes Statistics
- Causal inference
- Meta analysis
- Survey sampling
 Arne Holverscheid Political Science and Statistics
- Political behavior and psychology
- Corruption and money in politics
- Elections
- Political methodology
 Julia Honoroff Human Development and Social Policy
 Vishal Jain Human Development and Social Policy
 Keegan Krause Anthropology
- Adolescent mental health
- Belonging and im/migration policy
- Stress, immunology, and cardiovascular disease risk
 Rebecca Lawrence Human Development and Social Policy
- Higher education policy
- Identity development and intersectionality
- Social transitions
 Seung Hyeong Lee Economics
- Labor economics
- Public economics
- Finance
 Courtney Meiling Jones Psychology
- Racial identity development in multiracial youth and adults
- The salience of sociopolitical moments in identity meaning-making
- Qualitative methods and analysis
 Quincy Lherisson Social Psychology
 Jennifer Lin Political Science
- Affective polarization
- Civil-military relations
- Political geography
- Public opinion
 Phoebe Lin Human Development and Social Policy
- Social inequality
- Migration
- Knowledge production
 Evie Lopoo Sociology
- Incarceration, probation, and parole
- Military welfare state
- Crime and violence prevention
 Claire Mackevicius Human Development and Social Policy
- School funding
- Private involvement in the provision
of social programs
 Giacomo Marcolin Economics
 Matias Martinez Human Development and Social Policy
- School policy evaluation
- School bullying
- Mental health
 Eden Melles Political Science
- African diaspora and immigration
- Political organizing and behavior
- Race, ethnicity, and identity
 Monique Newton Political Science
 Zina Noel Human Development and Social Policy
- International early childhood policy
- Early childhood development
- Civil society development
 Erin M. Ochoa Sociology
- Gun violence and community interventions
- Network, spatial, and computational methods
 Aven Peters Sociology
 Caroline Pippert Political Science
- Political efficacy
- Representation
- Political participation and turnout
 Radhika Ramakrishnan Economics
- Health economics
- Industrial organization
- Labor economics
 Kaelin Rapport Anthropology
 Myera Rashid Economics
 Caroline Roddey Human Development and Social Policy
 Kristofer (Kris) Rosentel Sociology
 Tim Ruel Statistics
- Likelihood-based statistical methods
- Markov-chain Monte Carlo applications
 Molly Schiffer Political Science
 Kayla Schroeder Statistics
- Machine learning
- Causal inference
 Michelle Shames Sociology
- Policing
- Prisons
- Criminal legal policy reform
 David Silverman Social Psychology
 Trevor Spelman Management and Organizations
 Elena Stella Managerial Economics and Strategy
 Daihe Sui Statistics
 Rose Werth Sociology
- Urban and community sociology
- Networks and community-based organizations
- Criminal justice and violence prevention
 Amanda-Joy Wright Psychology
 Beiming Yang Human Development and Social Policy
- Adolescent development
- Parenting
- Cultural differences
 Karin Yndestad Sociology
- Higher education policy
- Organizations and morality
- Qualitative methods