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Neighborhoods and Community Safety

Over the past decades, globalization, immigration, technology, crime, and other social, economic, and political forces have radically altered urban life. Faculty in this area attempt to understand the real-world sources and consequences of urban poverty and problems that cities and urban dwellers face, from education and housing to policing and segregation.

A Message From Lincoln Quillian, Program Chair

Image of Lincoln Quillian
IPR’s neighborhoods and community development faculty examine the shifting landscape of urban life, considering myriad issues related to today’s urban experience. Additionally, many IPR faculty work on projects that are closely tied to urban policy in areas such as education, housing, welfare reform, community policing, and performance measurement and rewards.

Working Papers

Recently published articles and working papers in this program area include:

Marisa Ross, Susan Burtner, and Andrew Papachristos. 2025. Characterizing CVI Street Outreach Participants and Service Dosage: Implications for Measurement and Evaluation (WP-25-08).

Felipe Gonçalves, Elisa Jácome, and Emily Weisburst. 2024. Immigration Enforcement and Public Safety (WP-24-06).

Ran Abramitzky, Leah Boustan, Elisa Jácome, Santiago Pérez, and Juan David Torres. 2023. Law-Abiding Immigrants: The Incarceration Gap Between Immigrants and the U.S.-Born, 1870–2020 (WP-23-26).

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Faculty Experts

Political scientists, sociologists, education and social policy experts, and other social scientists come together to study topics associated with the urban landscape and its communities.

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A New Paradigm for Free Speech on Campus

By Eli Finkel, Professor of Psychology, Professor of Management and Organizations, and Morton O. Schapiro IPR Faculty Fellow.

Policy Brief: Preliminary Neighborhood Level Impact Analysis

In the summer of 2017, eight outreach organizations in Chicago joined together to create a comprehensive, long-term intervention to combat gun violence and gang activity. The initiative, Communities Partnering 4 Peace (CP4P), is mobilizing a four-pillar approach to violence. CP4P’s research partner, The Northwestern Neighborhood and Network Initiative (N3), examines what happened to gun violence trends in CP4P treatment communities from 2017–19.

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