
We organize more than 30 academic talks per year, which feature research by IPR faculty and other faculty from northwestern and other universities.
One of the key ways in which the Institute for Policy Research (IPR) disseminates faculty research is through events. Events are held throughout the year, with most taking place over the academic year. Some are co-sponsored with different departments and schools across the University, in addition to student and other policy research organizations. All events, unless otherwise stated, are free of charge and open to the public. Sign up for notification of IPR events.
We organize more than 30 academic talks per year, which feature research by IPR faculty and other faculty from northwestern and other universities.
This lecture series provides insights from experts whose careers are characterized by exceptional scholarship and service in the public policy arena.
Briefings bring together leading experts to present and discuss their policy-relevant research and how it can help address current social issues.
In addition to its colloquia, lectures and briefings, we also organize conferences, fora, symposia and talks.
We offer faculty-led training opportunities to the research community through workshops and postdoctoral fellowships. Other IPR research programs organize academic workshops throughout the year.