Discover IPR
How IPR provides evidence that fuels better decisions and policies
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Education and Human Development High school-to-college transitions; school accountability and vouchers; program evaluations and academic achievement; teacher quality, retention, and effectiveness. Also receive notice of seminars on the joint IPR/Economics Department Labor and Education Policy Series.
Policy Discourse and Decision Making Public opinion, political communication, and the policy process; the impact of new information technologies; the effect of gender on attitudes and social policies; diverse topics concerning institutions and politics, such as adaptive social planning, the quality of democracy, and tax and energy policies.
Poverty, Race, and Inequality Housing and residential mobility programs, poverty and income inequality; racial inequality and discrimination; labor markets and impacts of longevity; the HIV/AIDS epidemic.
Methods for Policy Research (Q-Center) Improving designs, analysis, and synthesis in policy research, designing better research methods for education, developing new data sources and methods of data collection. Also receive notice of Q-Center colloquia.
Health Inequalities - IPR's Cells to Society (C2S) Center Social disparities, stress, and health; families, interpersonal relationships, and health; longevity, mortality, and preconception-to-adult models of health.
Neighborhoods and Community Safety (includes Criminal Justice) Criminal Justice, community policing, and police reforms; lawyers' networks and jury deliberations; identification and use of community assets.