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George Wood

IPR Postdoctoral Fellow

IPR Postdoctoral Fellow

PhD, Sociology, Oxford University, 2017


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George Wood is a postdoctoral fellow in the Institute for Policy Research at Northwestern University. He studies social disparities in public health and criminal justice outcomes. As part of this work, he evaluates the effects of social programs and interventions that aim to reduce gunshot victimization and police misconduct. His work combines field experiments and natural experiments with large-scale behavioral data. He is also interested in causal inference, network analysis, and spatial statistics. He works with IPR sociologist Andrew Papachristos in the Northwestern Neighborhood and Network Initiative.

Wood, G., and A. V. Papachristos. 2019. Reducing gunshot victimization in high-risk social networks through direct and spillover effects. Nature Human Behavior.

Wood, G. 2017. The structure and vulnerability of a drug trafficking collaboration network. Social Networks.