Francesca Gaiba is an IPR Research Professor and its Senior Director for Operations and Outreach. She holds an undergraduate degree from Italy's University of Bologna, and a masters in international relations and a PhD in anthropology from Syracuse University.
From 2007–09, Gaiba was the associate director of the University of Illinois at Chicago’s Office of Social Science Research. Between 2010 and 2015, she managed the UIC Institute for Research on Race and Public Policy (IRRPP), focusing on program development and implementation, grant support and management, and high-level administration. At IRRPP she was the cofounder of the WriteOut! Writing retreat for scholars of race and ethnicity. Gaiba managed the Northwestern University Institute for Sexual and Gender Minority Health and Wellbeing as its associate director from 2015–20. Gaiba brings a commitment to racial and LGBT justice and their policy implications to her scholarship and academic work.
Gaiba, F. 2022. “I have done some digging in my memory files and some old folders:” An intimate look through my correspondence with Nuremberg interpreters from 1995 to 1998. The Interpreters’ Newsletter.
Matthews, A., R. Blatt, C. Duangchan, K. Hunt, F. Gaiba, A. Matthew, M. Noriega, and E. Breen. 2022. Self-description of a university-community partnership to advocate for restroom access policy change in Chicago. Progress in Community Health Partnerships: Research, Education, and Action 16(4): 563–72.
Gaiba, F. 1998. The Origins of Simultaneous Interpretation: The Nuremberg Trial. Ottawa: University of Ottawa Press.
- The book was translated into Japanese and published in Japan by Misuku Shobo Ltd. in 2013.
- It is the only book-length manuscript on the subject.
Gaiba, F. 1999. Simultaneous interpretation at the Nuremberg Trial. Interpreting, special issue, ed. I. Kurz and M. Bowen, 4(1): 9–22.
Gaiba, F. 2017 (March 14). The importance of family support when LGBTQ youth come out. Rewire.
Gaiba, F. 2017 (March 2). Prejudice against bisexuals is harming their health. Rolereboot.
Gaiba, F. 2017 (February 27). Binary rule: Rise in transgender identity questions need for two genders.” Medium.
Gaiba, F. 2017 (January 18). Most people have all-gender restrooms at home. Why not have them everywhere? Windy City Times (reprint of 2016 TruthOut op-ed).
Gaiba, F. 2016 (December 9). Most people have all-gender restrooms at home. Why not have them everywhere? TruthOut.
Gaiba, F. 2016 (December 8). I am a white immigrant and I benefited from a racist visa lottery. TIME.
Gaiba, F. 2016 (December 1). Barriers prevent addressing HIV crisis among LGBT youth. The Hill.