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2022 Journal Articles


Chen, E., P. Lam, T. Yu, and G. Brody. 2022. Racial disparities in school belonging and prospective associations with diabetes and metabolic syndromeJAMA Pediatrics 177:141⁠– 48  

Lacombe, M., M. Simonson, J. Green, and J. Druckman. 2022. Social disruption, gun buying, and anti-system beliefsPerspectives on Politics 1-18 

Redbird, B., L. Harbridge-Yong, and R. Mersey. 2022. The social and political impact of the COVID-19 pandemic: An introductionRSF Journal of the Social Sciences 8: 1-29 

Chan, W. and L. Hedges. 2022. Pooling interactions into error terms in multisite experimentsJournal of Educational and Behavioral Statistics 47: 639–65. 

Li S., Q. Shi, V. Litvin, and C.F. Manski. 2022. Precision medicine in cardiorenal and metabolic diseases with routinely collected clinical data: a novel insightPrecision Clinical Medicine 5 

Saltzer, S. and M. McGrath. 2022. Voter bias and the partisan gender-gap in officePolitical Behavior 

Taylor, B., O. Smith, and G. Miller. 2022. Chronic home radon exposure is associated with higher inflammatory biomarker concentrations in children and adolescentsInternational Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 20: 246  

Hureau. D, T. Wilson, H. Jackl, J. Arthur, C. Patterson, and A. Papachristos. 2022. Exposure to gun violence among the population of Chicago community violence interventionistsScience Advances 8 

Turner, A., N. Couch, H. Cowan, R. Otto-Meyer, P. Murthy, R. Logan, L. Rogers, and D. McAdams. 2022. The good and the bad in black and white: Stories of life’s high and low points told by Black and White midlife adults in America. Journal in Research of Personality.

Rogers, L. and N. Heard-Garris. 2022. Documenting racial disparities or disrupting racism? A call to center systems of power, privilege, and oppression in psychological and pediatric researchJAMA Pediatrics 177:113–14 

Moffitt, U., L. Rogers, Y. Mzizi, and E. Charlson. 2022. Race talk during the 2020 U.S. presidential election: Emerging adults’ critical consciousness and racial identity in contextJournal of Adolescent Research 

Sabol, T., D. McCoy, K. Gonzalez, E. Hanno, A. Busby, W. Wei, and J. Downer. 2022. Contextual characteristics inside and outside of school walls as predictors of differential effectiveness in teacher professional development. Journal of Research on Educational Effectiveness 10.1080/19345747.2022.2141164 

Currie, J. and H. Schwandt. 2022. The relationship between income and child health: New data for an old questionJAMA 328: 2402–3 

Marini C., P. Tadger, I. Chávez-Guevara, E. Tipton, M. Meucci, Z. Nikolovski, F. Amaro-Gahete, and R. Peric. 2022. Factors determining the agreement between aerobic threshold and point of maximal fat oxidation: Follow-up on a systematic review and meta-analysis on associationInternational Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 20: 453  


Destin, M., R. Debrosse, M. Rheinschmidt-Same, and J. Richeson. 2022. Psychological challenges and social supports that shape the pursuit of socioeconomic mobilityRSF Journal of the Social Sciences 8: 158-71 

Charles, K., J. Guryan, and J. Pan. 2022. The effects of sexism on American women: The role of norms vs. discriminationJournal of Human Resources doi:10.3368/jhr.0920-11209R3 

DeCanio, S., C. F. Manski, and A. Sanstad. 2022. Minimax-Regret climate policy with deep uncertainty in climate modeling and intergenerational discounting. Ecological Economics.

Leger, K., E. Gloger, L. Crofford, T. McDade, and S. Segerstrom. 2022. Sleep variability and inflammation in midlife and older womenPsychosomatic Medicine 84 doi:10.1097/PSY.0000000000001130 

Burke, S., S. Perry, J. Dovidio, and M. LaFrance. 2022. Distinctive negative reactions to intermediate social groupsJournal of Applied Social Psychology 1-31  

Alexander, D. and H. Schwandt. 2022. The impact of car pollution on infant and child health: Evidence from emissions cheatingThe Review of Economic Studies 89 2872–910

LaTourrette, A., and S. Waxman. 2022. Sparse labels, no problems: Infant categorization under challenging conditions. Child Development 93(6): 1903–11.

Ford, L., H. Bethancourt, Z. Swanson, R. Nzunza, A. Wutich, A. Brewis, S. Young, D. Almeida, M. Douglass, E. Ndiema, D. Braun, H. Pontzer, and A. Rosinger. 2023. Water insecurity, water borrowing and psychosocial stress among Daasanach pastoralists in northern KenyaWater International 48: 63-86 

Kerr, R., S. Young, C. Young, M. Santoso, M. Magalasi, M. Entz, E. Lupafya, L. Dakishoni, V. Morrone, D. Wolfe, and S. Snapp. 2022. Farming for change: Developing a participatory curriculum on agroecology, nutrition, climate change and social equity in Malawi and TanzaniaCritical Adult Education in Food Movements 29-46 

Young, S., H. Bethancourt, Z. Ritter, and E. Frongillo. 2022. Estimating national, demographic, and socioeconomic disparities in water insecurity experiences in low-income and middle-income countries in 2020–21: a cross-sectional, observational study using nationally representative survey dataThe Lancet Planetary Health 6: 880-891


Voelkel, J., J. Chu, M. Stagnaro, J. Mernyk, C. Redekopp, S. Pink, J. Druckman, D. Rand, and R. Willer. 2022. Interventions reducing affective polarization do not necessarily improve anti-democratic attitudesNature Human Behavior 7, 55–64 

Green, J., J. Druckman, M. Baum, D. Lazer, K. Ognyanova, and R. Perlis. 2022. Depressive symptoms and conspiracy beliefsApplied Cognitive Psychology 

Green, J., J. Druckman, M. Baum, D. Lazer, K. Ognyanova, M. Simonson, and R. Perlis. 2022. Using general messages to persuade on a politicized scientific issue. British Journal of Political Science 1-9  

Perlis, R., M. Santillana, K. Ognyanova, and J. Druckman. 2022. Prevalence and correlates of long COVID symptoms among US adultsJAMA Network Open 5 doi:10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2022.38804 

Dias, N., J. Druckman, and M. Levendusky. 2022. How and why Americans misperceive the prevalence of, and motives behind, “cancel culture”SSRN 

Jost, J., D. Baldassarri, and J. Druckman. 2022. Cognitive–motivational mechanisms of political polarization in social-communicative contextsNature Reviews Psychology 1: 560–76  

Hedges, L., W. Shadish, and P. Natesan Batley. 2022. Power analysis for single-case designs: Computations for (AB)k designs. Behavior Research Methods.

Glazer J., C. Murray, R. Nusslock, R. Lee, and H. de Wit. 2022. Low doses of lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) increase reward-related brain activity. Neuropsychopharmacology.

Carroll A., K. Damme, L. Alloy, C. Bart, T. Ng, M. Titone, J. Chein, A. Cichocki, C. Armstrong, and R. Nusslock. 2022. Risk for bipolar spectrum disorders associated with positive urgency and orbitofrontal cortical grey matter volume. NeuroImage: Clinical.

Wu D., S. Sanchez, and S. Perry. 2022. “Will talking about race make my child racist?” dispelling myths to encourage honest white U.S. parent-child conversations about race and racism. Current Opinion in Psychology.

Nilforoshan, H., W. Looi, E. Pierson, B. Villanueva, N. Fishman, Y. Chen, J. Sholar, B. Redbird, D. Grusky, and J. Leskovec. 2022. Human interaction networks reveal that large cities facilitate segregation. arXiv 

Oehmke, J., S. Young,  A. Heinemann, M. Rukuni, A. Lyambabaje, and L. Post. 2022. A novel measure of developing countries' agricultural and food policy readiness. World Development.


Molden, D., R. Bayes, and J. Druckman. 2022. A motivational systems approach to investigating opinions on climate change. Thinking & Reasoning 28 396-427

Li S., Q. Shi, V. Litvin, and C. F. Manski. 2022. Precision medicine in cardiorenal and metabolic diseases with routinely collected clinical data: A novel insight. Precision Clinical Medicine.

Manski, C. F. 2022. Probabilistic prediction for binary treatment choice: With focus on personalized medicine. Journal of Econometrics.

Polos, J., S. Koning, T. Hargrove, K. Kershaw, and T. McDade. 2022. Structural racism in school contexts and adolescent depression: Development of new indices for the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent to Adult Health and beyond. SSM – Population Health.

Lam, P., E. Chen, J. Chiang, and G. Miller. 2022. Socioeconomic disadvantage, chronic stress, and proinflammatory phenotype: an integrative data analysis across the lifecourse. PNAS Nexus.

Chat, I., E. Dunning, C. Bart, A. Carroll, M. Grehl, K. Damme, L. Abramson, R. Nusslock, and L. Alloy. 2022. The interplay between reward-relevant life events and trait reward sensitivity in neural responses to reward cues. Clinical Psychological Science 10(5): 869–84.

Nusslock, R., and M. Farah. 2022. Introduction to the special focus: The affective neuroscience of poverty. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience 34 (10): 1806–09.

White, S., R. Nusslock, and G. Miller. 2022. Low socioeconomic status is associated with a greater neural response to both rewards and losses. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience. 34 (10): 1939–51.

Hurley, L.,  A. Stillerman, J. Feinglass, and C. Percheski. 2022. Adverse childhood experiences among reproductive age women: Findings from the 2019 Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System. Women’s Health Issues 32: 517–25.

Staiger, B., A. Li, D. Alexander, and M. Schnell. 2022. Enrollment brokers did not increase Medicaid enrollment, 2008–18. Health Affairs.

Scaffidi, M., J. Li, S. Genis, E. Tipton, R. Khan, C. Pattni, N. Gimpaya, G. Bradley-Ridout, C. Walsh, and S. Grover. 2022. Accuracy of self-assessment in gastroinestinal endoscopy: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Endoscopy 55: 176-185 


Guardino, C., D. Rahal, G. Rinne, N. Mahrer, E. Davis, E. Adam, M. Shalowitz, S. Ramey, and C. Schetter. 2022. Maternal stress and mental health before pregnancy and offspring diurnal cortisol in early childhood. Developmental Psychobiology.

Entringer, S., L. Scholaske, M. Kurt, E. Duman, E. Adam, O. Razum, and J. Spallek. 2022. Diurnal cortisol variation during pregnancy in Turkish origin and non-migrant women in a German birth cohort study. Journal of Psychosomatic Research.

Murphy, K., E. Chen, E. Ip, A. Rosenberg, M. Snyder, and J. Salsman. 2022. Properties of the Shift and Persist Questionnaire in adolescent and young adult cancer patients and survivors: Validity, consistency, and interpretability. Quality of Life Research.

Leger, K., E. Gloger, L. Crofford, T. McDade, and S. Segerstrom. 2022. Sleep variability and inflammation in midlife and older women. Psychosomatic Medicine 84(9):1006-1012.

Burris, M., E. Caceres, E. Chester, K. Hicks, T. McDade, L. Sikkink, H. Spielvogel, J. Thornburg, and V. Vitzthum. 2022. Socioeconomic impacts on Andean adolescents’ growth: Variation between households, between communities and over time. Evolution, Medicine, and Public Health 10(1): 409–28.

Hureau, D., T. Wilson, W. Rivera-Cuadrado, and A. Papachristos. 2022. The experience of secondary traumatic stress among community violence interventionists in Chicago. Preventive Medicine.

Schanzenbach, D., and S. Turner. 2022. Limited supply and lagging enrollment: Production technologies and enrollment changes at community colleges during the pandemic. Journal of Public Economics.


Galvin, D., and C. Thurston. 2022. American political development as a problem-driven enterprise. Studies in American Political Development 36(2): 156–58.

Brunner, M., L. Keller, S. Stallasch, J. Kretschmann, A. Hasl, F. Preckel, O. Lüdtke, and L. Hedges. 2022. Meta-analyzing individual participant data from studies with complex survey designs: A tutorial on using the two-stage approach for data from educational large-scale assessments. Research Synthesis Methods.

Chan, W., and L. Hedges. 2022. Pooling interactions into error terms in multisite experiments. Journal of Education and Behavioral Statistics. 47(6): 639–65.

Kim, A., R. Mohamed, S. Norris, L. Richter, and C. Kuzawa. 2022. Psychological legacies of intergenerational trauma under South African apartheid: Prenatal stress predicts greater vulnerability to the psychological impacts of future stress exposure during late adolescence and early adulthood in Soweto, South Africa. The Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry 64: 110-124 

Manski, C. F. 2022. Patient-centered appraisal of race-free clinical risk assessment. Health Economics. 39(10): 2109-2114.

Hotz, V., C. Bollinger, T. Komarova, C. F. Manski, R. Moffitt, D. Nekipelov, A. Sojourner, and B. Spencer. 2022. Balancing data privacy and usability in the federal statistical system. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

Aronoff, J., E. Quinn, A. Forde., L. Glover, A. Reiner, T. McDade, and M. Sims. 2022. Associations between perceived discrimination and immune cell composition in the Jackson Heart Study. Brain, Behavior, and Immunity 103: 28-36.

Sancilio, A., J. Schrock, A. Demonbreun, R. D’Aquila, B. Mustanski, L. Vaught, N. Reiser, M. Velez, R. Hseih, D. Ryan, R. Saber, E. McNally, and T. McDade. 2022. COVID-19 symptom severity predicts neutralizing antibody activity in a community-based serological study. Scientific Reports.

Tiako, M., J. Wages, and S. Perry. 2022. Black medical students’ sense of belonging and confidence in scholastic abilities at historically Black vs predominantly White medical schools: A prospective study. Journal of General Internal Medicine.

Malik, A., and M. Prasad. 2022. Peace by committee: State, society, and the control of communal violence in Bhagalpur, Bihar. India Review 21(2): 181–215.

Szaszi, B., A. Higney, A. Charlton, A. Gelman, I. Ziano, B. Aczel, D. Goldstein, D. Yeager, and E. Tipton. 2022. No reason to expect large and consistent effects of nudge interventions. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

Schwandt, H., J. Currie, and T. von Wachter. 2022. Changes in the relationship between income and life expectancy before and during the COVID-19 pandemic, California, 2015–2021. JAMA Network Open 328(4): 336–47.

Vannutelli, S., S. Scicchitano, and M. Biagetti. Routine-biased technological change and wage inequality: do workers’ perceptions matter? Eurasian Business Review 12: 409–450  


Behrman, J., E. Buyukakbas, and A. Weitzman. 2022. Migrating to new contraceptive contexts: The case of migrants from Turkey to France. Socius.

Ryan, C., R. Rege, N. Lee, D. Carba, M. Kobor, J. MacIssac, D. Lin, P. Atashzay, and C. Kuzawa. 2022. Maternal epigenetic clocks measured during pregnancy do not predict gestational age at delivery or offspring birth outcomes: A replication study in metropolitan Cebu, Philippines. Clinical Epigenetics.

Morgan, E., C. Dyar, B. Feinstein, H. Hudson, R. Aquila, T. McDade, and B. Mustanski. 2022. Inflammation assessed by latent profiling is associated with stress and suicidality but not depression: Findings from the RADAR Cohort Study. Annals of LGBTQ Public and Population Health.

Giron, L., M. Peluso, J. Ding, G. Kenny, N. Zilberstein, J. Koshy, K. Hong, H. Rasmussen, G. Miller, F. Bishehsari, R. Balk, J. Moy, R. Hoh, S. Lu, A. Goldman, H. Tang, B, Yee, A. Chenna, J. Winslow, C. Petropoulos, J. Kelly, H. Wasse, J. Martin, Q. Liu, A. Keshavarzian, A. Landay, S. Deeks, T. Henrich, and M. Mohsen. 2022. Markers of fungal translocation are elevated during post-acute sequelae of SARS-CoV-2 and induce NF-κB signaling. JCI Insight.

Metts, A., I. Arnaudova, L. Staples-Bradley, M. Sun, R. Zinbarg, R. Nusslock, K. Wassum, and M.  Craske. 2022. Disruption in Pavlovian-instrumental transfer as a function of depression and anxiety. Journal of Psychopathology and Behavioral Assessment 44(2): 481-95.

Smith, C., and A. Papachristos. 2022. Violence brokers and super-spreaders: How organised crime transformed the structure of Chicago violence during Prohibition. Global Crime 23(1): 23-43. 

Seligman, R. 2022. Metaphor and the politics and poetics of youth distress in an evidence-based psychotherapy. Transcultural Psychiatry.

Novack, M., D. Chan, and S. Waxman. 2022. I see what you are saying: Hearing infants’ visual attention and social engagement in response to spoken and sign language. Frontiers in Psychology.

Wutich, A., A. Rosinger, A. Brewis, M. Beresford, S. Young, and Household Water Insecurity Experiences Research Coordination Network. 2022. Water sharing is a distressing form of reciprocity: Shame, upset, anger, and conflict over water in twenty cross-cultural sites. American Anthropologist 124(2): 279–90.


Destin, M., D. Silverman, and O. Rogers. 2022. Expanding the social psychological study of educators through humanizing principles. Social and Personality Psychology Compass.

Destin, M., D. Silverman, and M. Braslow. 2022. Future identity as a support for college motivation and success. Frontiers in Education.

Druckman, J. 2022. A framework for the study of persuasion. Annual Review of Political Science 25: 65–88.

Beuermann, D. and K. Jackson. 2022. The short- and long-run effects of attending the schools that parents prefer. Journal of Human Resources 57(3): 725–46.

Jain, A., R. Sinclair, and A. Papachristos. 2022. Identifying misconduct-committing officer crews in the Chicago police department. Plos One 17(5): [e0267217]. 

Gettler, L., S. Rosenbaum, P. Kuo, M. Sarma, S. Bechayda, T. McDade, and C. Kuzawa. 2022. Evidence for an adolescent sensitive period to family experiences influencing adult male testosterone production. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

Gaietto, K., Y. Han, E. Forno, L. Bacharier, W. Phipatanakul, T. Guilbert, M. Cabana, K. Ross, J. Blatter, E. Acosta-Perez. G. Miller, R. de la Hoz, F. Rosser, G. Canino, S. Wisniewski, and J. Celedon. 2022. Violence-related distress and lung function in two longitudinal studies of youth. European Respiratory Journal.

Lam, P., G. Miller, L. Hoffer, R. Siliezar, J. Dezil, A. McDonald, and E. Chen. 2022. Harshness and unpredictability: Childhood environmental links with immune and asthma outcomes Development and Psychopathology 34(2): 587–96

Murray, C., J. Glazer, R. Lee, R. Nusslock, and H. de Wit. 2022. Δ9-THC reduces reward-related brain activity in healthy adults. Psychopharmacology.

Osborne, J., W. Zhang, J. Farrens, M. Geiger, B. Kraus, J. Glazer, R. Nusslock, E. Kappenman, and V. Mittal. 2022. Neural mechanisms of motor dysfunction in individuals at clinical high-risk for psychosis: Evidence for impairments in motor activation. Journal of Psychopathology and Clinical Science.

Cichoki, A., K. Damme, I. Chat, K. Young, Y. Peng, J. Knotts, M. Craske, S. Bookheimer, R. Zinbarg, and R. Nusslock. 2022. Emotion Generation and Regulation Volumes Associated With Depression and Anxiety Dimensional Symptoms. Biological Psychiatry.

Rosenburg, B., R. Nusslock, R. Zinbarg, and M. Craske. 2022. Co-occurring Increases in General Distress and Resting-State Functional Connectivity During Young Adulthood. Biological Psychiatry.

McCarthy, M., J. Gottlieb, R. Gonzalez, C. McClung, L. Alloy, S. Cain, D. Dulcis, … and R. Nusslock. 2022. Neurobiological and behavioral mechanisms of circadian rhythm disruption in bipolar disorder: A critical multi-disciplinary literature review and agenda for future research from the ISBD task force on chronobiology. Bipolar Disorders 24(3): 232–63.

Perry, S., A. Skinner-Dorkenoo, J. Abaied, and S. Waters. 2022. Applying the evidence we have: Support for having race conversations in white U.S. families. Perspectives on Psychological Science 17(3): 895-900.

Nielson, M., C. Martin, O. Rogers, S. Lindstrom Johnson, C. Miller, and H. Berendzen. 2022. Exploring young men’s experience of resistance to masculine norms. Emerging Adulthood.

Das, S., J. Pitts, K. Arevalo, B. Cox, T. Blood, D. Hughes, V. Coulanges, C. Keryc, O. Rogers, and N. Way. 2022. Lessons of resistance from Black mothers to their Black sons. Journal of Research on Adolescence.

Suiseeya, K., M. O’connell, E. Leoso, M. Biness, N. Defore, A. Anderson, M. Bang, P. Beckman, A. Boyer, J. Dunn, J. Gilbert, J. Hester, D. Horton, D. Jennings, P. Kebec, N. Loeb, P. Loew, W. Miller, K. Moffitt, A. Packman, M. Price, B. Redbird, J. Rogers, R. Sankaran, J. Schwoch, P. Silas, W. Twardowski, and N. Zerega. 2022. Waking from paralysis: Revitalizing conceptions of climate knowledge and justice for more effective climate action. The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science.

Lau, J., A. Fyshe, and S. Waxman. 2022. Rhythm may be key to linking language and cognition in young infants: Evidence from machine learning. Frontiers in Psychology.

S. Young and J. Miller. 2022. Water insecurity in the United States: Quantifying an invisible crisis. The Journal of Nutrition 152(5): 1183–84.


Bonilla, T., A. Filindra, and N. Lajevardi. 2022. How Source Cues Shape Evaluations of Group-Based Derogatory Political Messages. The Journal of Politics 84(4): 1979–96.

Mernyk, J., S. Pink, J. Druckman, and R. Willer. 2022. Correcting inaccurate metaperceptions reduces Americans' support for partisan violence. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 119(16): e2116851119.

Trawalter, S., N. Habib, and J. Druckman. 2022. Racial bias in perceptions of disease and policy. Group Processes and Intergroup Relations.

Kuzawa, C., C. Ryan, L. Adair, N. Lee, D. Carba, J. MacIsaac, K. Dever, P. Atashzay, M. Kobor, and T. McDade. 2022. Birth weight and maternal energy status during pregnancy as predictors of epigenetic age acceleration in young adults from metropolitan Cebu, Philippines. Epigenetics 17(11): 1535–45.

​​Schrock, J. M., T. McDade, R. D'Aquila, and B. Mustanski. 2022. Does body mass index explain the apparent anti-inflammatory effects of cannabis use? Results from a cohort study of sexual and gender minority youth. Drug and Alcohol Dependence 233: [109344].

Miller, G., E. Chen, E. Finegood, D. Shimbo, and S. Cole. 2022. Prospective associations between neighborhood violence and monocyte pro-inflammatory transcriptional activity in children. Brain, Behavior, and Immunity 100: 1-7.

Barlow, M., C. Wrosch, J. Hamm, G. Miller, and U. Kunzmann. 2022. Discrete negative emotions and goal disengagement in older adulthood: Context effects and associations with emotional well-being. Emotion 22(7): 1583–94.

Percheski, C., and C. Gibson-Davis. 2022. Marriage, kids, and the picket fence? Household type and wealth among U.S. households, 1989 to 2019. Sociological Science.

Moffitt, U., and L. Rogers. 2022. Studying ethnic-racial identity among White youth: White supremacy as a developmental context. Journal of Research on Adolescence 32(3): 815–28.

McCoy, D., T. Sabol, E. Hanno, and C. Odgers. 2022. Assessing school communities using Google Street View: A virtual systematic social observation approach. AERA Open.

Rothstein, J., and D. Schanzenbach. 2022. Does money still matter? Attainment and earnings effects of post-1990 school finance reforms. Journal of Labor Economics 40(S1): S141-S178.

Pustejovsky, J., and E. Tipton. 2022. Meta-analysis with robust variance estimation: Expanding the range of working models. Prevention Science 23(3): 425-38.

Chevance, G., N. Golaszewski, E. Tipton, E. Hekler, M. Buman, G. Welk, K. Patrick, and J. Godino. 2022. Accuracy and precision of energy expenditure, heart rate, and steps measured by combined-sensing fitbits against reference measures: Systematic review and meta-analysis. JMIR mHealth and uHealth 10(4): [e35626].


Keenan-Devlin L., B. Smart, W. Grobman, E. Adam, A. Freedman, C. Buss, S. Entringer, G. Miller, and A. Borders. 2022. The intersection of race and socioeconomic status is associated with inflammation patterns during pregnancy and adverse pregnancy outcomes. American Journal of Reproductive Immunology 87(3): [e13489].

Beaman, L., H. Onder, and S. Onder. 2022. When do refugees return home? Evidence from Syrian displacement in Mashreq. Journal of Development Economics 155: [102802].

E. Chen, T. Yu, G. Brody, P. Lam, B. Goosby, and G. Miller. 2022. Discrimination and inflammation in adolescents of color. Biological Psychiatry Global Open Science.

Perlis, R., M. Simonson., J. Green, J. Lin, A. Safarpour, K. Lunz Trujillo, A. Quintana, H. Chwe, J. Della Volpe, K. Ognyanova, M. Santillana, J. Druckman, D. Lazer, and M. Baum. 2022. Prevalence of firearm ownership among individuals with major depressive symptoms. JAMA 5(3): E223245.

Bayes, R., J. Druckman, and A. Safarpour. 2022. Studying science inequities: How to use surveys to study diverse populations. Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science 700(1): 220-233.

Druckman, J. 2022. Threats to science: Politicization, misinformation, and inequalities. Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science 700(1): 8-24.

Filindra, A., and L. Harbridge-Yong. 2022. How do partisans navigate intra-group conflict? A theory of leadership-driven motivated reasoning. Political Behavior.

Dhar, D., T. Jain, and S. Jayachandran. 2022. Reshaping adolescents’ gender attitudes: Evidence from a school-based experiment in India. American Economic Review 112(3): 899-927. 

Meloni, M., T. Moll, A. Issaka, and C. Kuzawa. 2022. A biosocial return to race? A cautionary view for the postgenomic era. American Journal of Human Biology.

Kaestner, R., and O. Malamud. 2022. Headstrong girls and dependent boys: Gender differences in the labor market returns to child behavior. ILR Review 76(1): 112–34.

McDade, T., A. Sancilio, R. D'Aquila, B. Mustanski, L. Vaught, N. Reiser, M. Velez, R. Hsieh, D., R. Saber, E. McNally, and A. Demonbreun. 2022. Low levels of neutralizing antibodies after natural infection with severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 in a community-based serological study. Open Forum Infectious Diseases 9(3): [ofac055]. 

McDade, T., and K. Harris. 2022. From society to cells and back again: new opportunities for discovery at the biosocial interface. Discover Social Science and Health.

Damme, K., L. Alloy, N. Kelley, A. Caroll, C. Young, J. Chein, T. Ng, M. Titone, C. Bart, and R. Nusslock. 2022. Bipolar spectrum disorders are associated with increased gray matter volume in the medial orbitofrontal cortex and nucleus accumbens. JCCP Advances.

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Rosenberg, B, V. Taschereau-Dumouchel, H. Lau, K. Young, R. Nusslock, R. Zinbarg, and M. Craske. 2022. A multivoxel pattern analysis of anhedonia during fear extinction: Implications for safety learning. Biological Psychiatry: Cognitive Neuroscience and Neuroimaging.

Rogers, O., and S. Butler-Barnes. 2022. “[E]ven though we don’t have everything…We build our own thing”:  Exploring Black girl space. Journal of Research on Adolescence 32(1): 49-68.

Michener, J., M. Sorelle, and C. Thurston. 2022. From the margins to the center: A bottom-up approach to welfare state scholarship. Perspectives on Politics 20(1): 154–69.

Tipton, E. 2022. Sample selection in randomized trials with multiple target populations. American Journal of Evaluation.

Fitzgerald, K., and E. Tipton. 2022. The meta-analytic rain cloud plot: A new approach to visualizing clearinghouse data. Journal of Research on Educational Effectiveness 15(4): 848–75.


Rosenbaum, S., C. Kuzawa, T. McDade, S. Bechayda, and L. Gettler. 2022. Neither environmental unpredictability nor harshness predict reliance on alloparental care among families in Cebu, Philippines. Development and Psychopathology.

Giustinelli, P., C. F. Manski, and F. Molinari. (2022). Precise or imprecise probabilities? Evidence from survey response related to late-onset dementia. Journal of the European Economic Association 20(1): 187-221. 

Ryan, C., M. Jones, M, R. Edgar, N. Lee, M. Kobor, T. McDade, and C. Kuzawa. 2022. Immune cell type and DNA methylation vary with reproductive status in women: Possible pathways for costs of reproduction. Evolution, Medicine, and Public Health 10(1): 47-58.

Freedman, A., B. Smart, L. Keenan-Devlin, A. Borders, L. Ernst, and G. Miller. 2022. Living in a block group with a higher eviction rate is associated with increased odds of preterm delivery. Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health 76(4): 398-403.

Karthikeyan, S., M. Dimick, L. Fiksenbaum, H. Jeong, B. Birmaher, J. Kennedy, K. Lanctôt, A. Levitt, G. Miller, A. Schaffer, L. Young, E. Youngstrom, A. Andreazza, and B. Goldstein. 2022. Inflammatory markers, brain-derived neurotrophic factor, and the symptomatic course of adolescent bipolar disorder: A prospective repeated-measures study. Brain, Behavior, and Immunity 100: 278-286. 

Mustanski, B., R. Saber, D. Ryan, N. Benbow, K. Madkins, C. Hayford, M. Newcomb, J. Schrock, L. Vaught, N. Reiser, M. Velez, R. Hsieh, A. Demonbreun, R. D'Aquila, E. McNally, and T. McDade. 2022. Geographic disparities in COVID-19 case rates are not reflected in seropositivity rates using a neighborhood survey in Chicago. Annals of Epidemiology 66: 44-51. 

Legette, K., O. Rogers, and C. Warren. 2022. Humanizing student–teacher relationships for Black children: Implications for teachers’ social–emotional training. Urban Education 57(2): 278-288.

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Sabol, T., C. Kessler, O. Rogers, A. Petitclerc, J. Silver, M. Briggs-Gowan, and L. Wakschlag. 2022. A window into racial and socioeconomic status disparities in preschool disciplinary action using developmental methodology. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 1508(1): 123-136.

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Fitzgerald, K., and E. Tipton. 2022. The meta-analytic rain cloud plot: A new approach to visualizing clearinghouse data. Journal of Research on Educational Effectiveness.

Boateng, G, C. Workman, J. Miller, M. Onono, T. Neilands, and S. Young. 2022. The syndemic effects of food insecurity, water insecurity, and HIV on depressive symptomatology among Kenyan women. Social Science and Medicine 295: [113043]. 

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Demonbreun, A., M. Velez., R. Saber, D. Ryan, A. Sancilio, T. McDade, and M. McNally. 2022. mRNA intramuscular vaccination produces a robust IgG antibody response in advanced neuromuscular disease. Neuromuscular Disorders 32(1): 33-35.

Noriega Esquives, B., T. Lee, P. Moreno, R. Fox, B. Yanez, G. Miller, R. Estabrook, M. Begale, S. Flury, K. Perry, S. Kundu, and F. Penedo. 2022. Symptom burden profiles in men with advanced prostate cancer undergoing androgen deprivation therapy. Journal of Behavioral Medicine.

Young, K. , C. Ward, M. Vinograd, K. Chen, S. Bookheimer, R. Nusslock, R. Zinbarg, and M. Craske. 2022. Individual differences in threat and reward neural circuitry activation: Testing dimensional models of early adversity, anxiety and depression. European Journal of Neuroscience.

Peng, Y., J. Knotts, K. Young, S. Bookheimer, R. Nusslock, R. Zinbarg, N. Kelley, A. Echiverri-Cohen, and M. Craske. 2022. Threat neurocircuitry predicts the development of anxiety and depression symptoms in a longitudinal study. Biological Psychiatry: Cognitive Neuroscience and Neuroimaging.

Metts, A., I. Arnaudova, L. Staples-Bradley, M. Sun, R. Zinbarg, R. Nusslock, K. Wassum, and M.  Craske. 2022. Disruption in Pavlovian-instrumental transfer as a function of depression and anxiety. Journal of Psychopathology and Behavioral Assessment.

Boland, E., N. Kelley, I. Chat, R. Zinbarg, M. Craske, S. Bookheimer, and R. Nusslock. 2022. Poor sleep quality is significantly associated with effort but not temporal discounting of monetary rewards. Motivation Science 8(1): 70-76.

Freedman, A., A. Papachristos, B. Smart, L. Keenan-Devlin, S. Khan, A. Borders, K. Kershaw, and G. Miller. 2022. Complaints about excessive use of police force in women’s neighborhoods and subsequent perinatal and cardiovascular health. Science Advances 8(3): [eabl5417].

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Tipton, E. 2022. Sample selection in randomized trials with multiple target populations. American Journal of Evaluation. doi:10.1177/10982140209277872021


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