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Coronavirus Media Mentions and Research by IPR Faculty

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Stay up-to-date with the latest IPR faculty media mentions concerning COVID-19 as well as other IPR news related to the coronavirus in 2020. The University has been sending out official communications to Northwestern and the entire community. Please continue to refer to official University sources for updates about the situation at Northwestern.


This page was last updated on 12/30/2020 at 4:00 PM CST.

Media Mentions, Op-Eds, and Research

Research | Media Mentions and Op-Eds


Partisan Responses to COVID-19

Affective polarization, or the extent to which partisans dislike and distrust members of the opposite political party, defines 21st century politics in America. New research from IPR political scientist James Druckman shows how those attitudes stretch beyond the political sphere, to influence individual attitudes about the COVID-19 pandemic. Surveying nearly 2,500 respondents, Druckman and his co-authors found that Republicans are likely to engage in significantly fewer preventative behaviors than Democrats. In another working paper focusing on the world of college athletics, Druckman and his fellow researchers shed light on how the politics of the pandemic can lead some to favor protecting dominant groups while leaving behind more vulnerable populations.

Learning from the Past

IPR researchers including economist and IPR associate Joseph Ferrie and health psychologists Edith Chen and Greg Miller have parsed other brutal “shocks,” such as the 1918 influenza pandemic and the Great Recession, respectively, tracing their devastating socioeconomic effects over time. IPR economist Kirabo Jackson and his co-authors have also examined how recessionary cuts to per-student spending reduced students’ likelihood of graduating and lowered their test scores, and IPR social demographer Christine Percheski and her colleagues discovered that the 2009 recession halved the net worth of the wealthiest African American and Hispanic families.

Survey on Social and Behavioral Impacts of COVID-19

IPR sociologist Beth Redbird launched a survey in March to ask U.S. participants about how they are experiencing life under coronavirus. The survey contains 125 social and behavioral questions, covering a wide variety of topics, including health and stress, household and institution responses, and social and community engagement.

Developing a New Test for SARS-CoV-2 Antibodies

IPR biological anthropologist Thomas McDade is developing a new means of testing for antibodies in SARS-CoV-2, the official name for the virus that causes COVID-19. He is currently pulling together resources and equipment to launch the effort. McDade’s approach will involve using a blood test to identify SARS-CoV-2 antibodies, which remain in the blood longer once the infection is gone. Early results from community sampling using the test show a high rate of transmission between members of the same household.

Accounting for All Impacts in COVID-19 Modeling

IPR economist Charles F. Manski, an expert in decision making, argues that the recent Imperial College COVID-19 report’s recommendation for suppression as the preferred policy option was unjustifiable because it was based on flawed modeling. In an op-ed in Scientific American, Manski points out that the epidemiological model used in the study only accounted for the pandemic’s impact on healthcare systems, ignoring equally critical ethical and economic costs. 

Firming Up Food Security and the Social Safety Net

IPR director and economist Diane Whitmore Schanzenbach and the Hamilton Project’s Lauren Bauer (PhD 2016), recommend policymakers take strong steps to firm up the social safety net given the damage the coronavirus pandemic has done to the economy. They point out the stabilizing effects that programs like the Supplementary Nutritional Assistance Program (SNAP) have not just on families, but on the economy as they increase collective demand for goods.

Easing Access to the Safety Net

The expansion of social insurance programs through the recently enacted $2 trillion economic rescue plan will not, on its own, be sufficient to help as many Americans as possible, IPR economist Matthew Notowidigdo and MIT’s Amy Finkelstein write in an op-ed in Governing. They propose two evidence-based steps to enroll more people in need in programs such as unemployment insurance, Medicaid, and the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), formerly known as food stamps.

Studying Effects on Mortality and Health

IPR economist Hannes Schwandt studies how the spread of disease and economic crises can have an impact on people’s health as well as acquiring skills and education. His research has direct relevance to the current pandemic. Schwandt examined children born to mothers who had strong cases of seasonal flu during pregnancy, discovering that short-term effects on newborns, such as being born prematurely and low birth weight, are followed by long-term declines in earnings and substantial increases in welfare dependence.

Understanding the Impact of COVID-19 on Gender Equality

The economic downturn caused by COVID-19 has implications for gender equality, according to a new IPR working paper by economist and IPR associate Matthias Doepke. He and his colleagues show that while job losses were higher for men in past recessions, the COVID-19 pandemic has shut down restaurants and slowed travel, impacting industries that employ many women.

Shifting Resources and Research to Effective COVID-19 Responses

Development economist and IPR associates Dean Karlan and Chris Udry, who direct the Global Poverty Research Lab at Northwestern, are collaborating with Innovations for Poverty Action (IPA), founded by Karlan in 2002, to launch Research for Effective COVID-19 Responses, or RECOVR. IPA, which has offices in 22 low-income countries around the world, will shift all of its expertise in collecting data, evidence, and analysis to initiatives that will better equip leaders in vulnerable countries to make more informed decisions about COVID-19. 

Using Social and Behavioral Science to Support the COVID-19 Pandemic Response

As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to spread, an international team of leading social scientists including IPR political scientist James Druckman and psychologist Eli Finkel, as well as Stanford sociologist Robb Willer and New York University neural social psychologist Jay Van Bavel, came together to analyze what the social and behavioral sciences can tell us about the response to the pandemic. The study was published in Nature Human Behaviour on April 30. 

Food Insecurity Increases During the COVID-19 Pandemic

As one of the foremost experts on the food safety net in the nation, IPR director and economist Diane Schanzenbach has undertaken a real-time study of figures from the COVID Impact Survey with research assistant Abigail Pitts. So far, they have analyzed the two available waves of data for April 20–26 and May 4–10, comparing the numbers to those collected between 2011 and 2018. They find that compared to the months before the crisis, the rates of food insecurity have doubled overall and have tripled for families with children. Additionally, their analysis of Census Household Pulse Survey data shows similarly high rates of food insecurity and that the large increase in unemployment explains nearly half of the increase in food insecurity.  The most recent report reviewing the Census Household Pulse Survey data shows persistent racial disparities in food insecurity, and an app breaks down the disparities by state and region.

Survey Results Show Partisan Gaps Emerging Around Attitudes About the Pandemic

A majority of Americans (60%) continue to prefer that the country wait at least four weeks before reopening, according to a new survey of more than 20,000 Americans between May 2 and 15. IPR political scientist James Druckman worked on the nationwide survey as part of a consortium of four universities that includes Northwestern, Harvard, Northeastern, and Rutgers. But partisan gaps on when to reopen are becoming more prominent. They find that a majority of Americans (60%) support efforts to make it easier to vote by mail in the upcoming November election, including majorities in 46 states. Results show Americans’ trust in institutions’ ability to handle COVID-19 is fading—especially trust in the police, which has fallen by 8% since April. Americans are also losing confidence in government leaders’ ability to handle the pandemic, with the average governor seeing a 10-point drop in approval rating from May to June.

Results in early August show that most Americans are willing to vaccinate for COVID-19, and the wait times for test results are taking too long in most states to be effective in contact tracing. Most Americans do not believe it is safe for K-12 students to return to in-person classes. Additionally, results find a willingness to vaccinate is linked to trust in public institutions and getting information from social media increases the chances of believing misinformation. Americans expressed strong support for a pandemic relief package in October and records of voters said they intended to vote by mail during the election. Other survey results show testing speeds have begun to increase across the country, and older Americans tweet more fake news about COVID-19. Right before the election, Americans said they cared about the pandemic more than any other issue. Additionally, depression among young adults has soared and thoughts of suicide and self-harm increased 10 times since the pandemic began. 

Other survey results from November focuses on Illinoisans’ slip in following public health guidelines as the pandemic surges and examines each state’s adherence to the guidelines and shows that the states with the lowest rates of social distancing and mask wearing are now suffering the worst COVID outbreaks. Despite these results, another report finds that 6 in 10 Americans support more restrictive measures to suppress the pandemic. As Congress approves the latest relief package, 1 in 5 Americans confronts severe economic hardships, according to his survey results. 

Cautious Optimism for Pregnant Women and Their Children

The collection of evidence for whether a mother’s coronavirus infection could similarly impair an infant’s development in utero is still ongoing, but IPR economist Hannes Schwandt’s timely review of the existing evidence shows reason for cautious optimism. The rate of reported COVID-19 deaths among pregnant mothers is low, and while infections occur in pregnant mothers, most of them experience mild cases or show no symptoms. Children born to mothers who had COVID-19 while pregnant seem to show no detectable impairments, and typically test negative for the virus.

Imprecise COVID-19 Drug Trials 

As the COVID-19 pandemic progresses, researchers are reporting findings of randomized trials comparing standard care with care augmented by experimental drugs. The trials have small sample sizes, so estimates of treatment effects are statistically imprecise. In a new IPR working paper, also published by the National Bureau of Economic Research, IPR economist Charles Manski, along with co-author Aleksey Tetenov of the University of Geneva, argue that the manner in which medical research articles present findings of trials assessing COVID-19 drugs may inappropriately give the impression that new treatments are not effective. They say this could steer clinicians away from innovative treatments and negatively affect patient outcomes.

Restaurants, Gyms, and Other Crowed Indoor Venues are “Super-Spreader Sites”

IPR sociologist Beth Redbird and her co-authors find in a study published in Nature that restaurants, gyms, cafes, and other crowded indoor venues accounted for roughly 8 in 10 new infections in the early months of the pandemic. Using anonymous cell phone data to map the hourly movements of 98 million people to places like restaurants, gyms, and churches, the researchers has created a computer model that accurately predicted the spread of COVID-19 in 10 of the largest U.S. cities this spring. They also show that lower-income people, many of them essential workers, were less able to reduce their mobility during shutdowns and more likely to be exposed to crowded venues.

Economic Indicators of the Pandemic

During the COVID-19 crisis, rates of food insecurity, job losses, and missing mortgage or rent payments have been high. People have been reporting difficulty in paying for their usual household expenses, and their feelings of anxiety and worry have increased. Diane Schanzenbach and Natalie Tomeh created a new app, which draws on the U.S. Census Bureau’s Household Pulse Survey data that have been collected since April, provides snapshots of seven key economic indicators that highlight the severity of the ongoing crisis for many Americans.

Media Mentions and Op-Eds

Diane Schanzenbach explained to CNBC that she believes the end of the boost to SNAP benefits should be tied to an economic trigger, such as an unemployment rate, instead of an arbitrary date in the future. December 30, 2020

Andy Papachristos told WBEZ historically violence in the US peaks when young men and disenfranchised individuals are cynical of the government. “When people don’t think the state is doing what they need to do, they settle disputes by themselves,” he said. December 28, 2020 

As Chicago leaders urge Black residents to get the COVID-19 vaccine, Melissa Simon told ABC Chicago that the medical profession has earned the Black community’s distrust, and they have to work “super diligently” to earn it back. December 27, 2020

WTTW talked to Ben Jones about the stimulus bill, and he said federal funding of the COVID-19 vaccine is vital to economic recovery and that whether the bill provides enough aid depends on how fast people are vaccinated. December 22, 2020

Bloomberg Radio discussed the U.S.’ COVID-19 vaccine rollout with Craig Garthwaite, who said that the country is “initially doing well,” but “we seem to be unwilling to really spend what’s necessary” to ensure that Americans are vaccinated later in the year. December 21, 2020

"The recovery, especially for people with lower levels of education, is going to take longer,” Diane Schanzenbach told the Washington Post about the recession. “It’s going to take us a long time to get out of this, and the aid in this bill doesn’t last for long enough.” December 21, 2020

In CNN Opinion, Héctor Carrillo writes that President-Elect Biden's COVID-19 plan is missing a national prevention, education, and awareness campaign to strengthen measures being promoted at the state and local levels. December 19, 2020

Seema Jayachandran writes in the New York Times that offering college students financial rewards to test negative for COVID-19 could be one way to help stop the spread of the virus and encourage students to social distance. December 19, 2020

Because people heard mixed messages early during the pandemic about whether masks offered protection from the virus, it gave people “a little more room to take up these narratives” against wearing masks, Stephanie Edgerly told the Associated Press. December 17, 2020

WGN spoke to James Druckman about his survey showing that Black Americans are less likely to trust the COVID-19 vaccine than other racial groups. December 16, 2020

Diane Schanzenbach spoke to WBEZ's Reset about food insecurity during the pandemic, and she said Congress could help alleviate hunger by allowing the maximum SNAP benefits in the next relief bill and extending unemployment insurance. December 16, 2020

The New York Times highlighted research by Beth Redbird from early in the pandemic which reveals there’s a “sweet spot” where infections can be reduced while keeping business steady. That magic number: around 20%. December 16, 2020

"There's real urgency to get more relief in the hands of families," Diane Schanzenbach told the BBC as hunger spikes in the U.S. and certain benefits end on Dec. 31. This makes it crucial for Congress to quickly pass another COVID-19 aid package. December 14, 2020

As advocates urge Congress to boost SNAP benefits in the COVID-19 relief bill, ABC highlighted Diane Schanzenbach's research showing how food insecurity has increased in each state since March, doubling overall and tripling among households with children. December 13, 2020

CNN’s Sanjay Gupta cited Beth Redbird’s study that shows that places such as restaurants, gyms, cafes, and houses of worship account for a majority of coronavirus infections in big cities. December 6, 2020

The pandemic is putting Gen Z on track to repeat millennials' money problems. Hannes Schwandt told Business Insider he predicts that to catch up financially, they will job-hop to get better opportunities in the work force. December 5, 2020

NBC Chicago highlighted Lori Post’s work creating the first global surveillance system to track COVID-19. “We can inform leaders where the outbreak is occurring before it shows up in overcrowded hospitals and morgues," she said. December 3, 2020

WBEZ’s Reset interviewed Diane Schanzenbach about the impact of the pandemic on women, especially working mothers, and their ability to feed their children, and she said “that things are quite bad.” December 3, 2020 

A Northwestern University-based research team, co-led by Feinberg professor Lori Post, has unveiled an online COVID-19 data dashboard to track surges in the virus. “Basically the whole idea for this is like an early warning system," Post told the Chicago Tribune. December 3, 2020

Though restaurants remain a COVID risk, Beth Redbird talked to Chicago Tribune about balancing safety and business concerns, saying "a decrease in restaurant maximum capacity to 20% can curb spread by 80%, which means restaurants can continue to operate." December 3, 2020

In a MarketWatch op-ed, Diane Schanzenbach wrote about the urgency to address the jump in the number of hungry children amid the pandemic, pointing to her research showing that inadequate food during childhood has lasting impacts. December 2, 2020

Crain’s Chicago Business highlighted Jamie Druckman’s research in the COVID States Project that found that Illinois residents are more frequently ignoring public health guidelines such as avoiding indoor activities with others, which may be linked to the surge in COVID cases. December 1, 2020

Lori Post told WBEZ she expects an upward spike in COVID cases about a week from now from due to travel over Thanksgiving. November 30, 2020

Dean Karlan told the Chicago Tribune that competing priorities and uncertainty due to the ongoing pandemic may have made donations to charities lower this year.  November 26, 2020

Economic conditions are the main driver behind rising rates of hunger, but other factors play a role, Diane Schanzenbach told Washington Post. In the Great Recession, people received almost two years of unemployment aid—which helped reduce hunger rates. November 25, 2020

“Food insecurity is a leading indicator of the economy … it would be super great if the government could respond appropriately, the unnecessary delays have caused real suffering,” Diane Schanzenbach explained to the Guardian. November 25, 2020

Diane Schanzenbach spoke to CBS News about the rise in food insecurity. The number of Americans who didn't have enough to eat increased from 8 to nearly 30 million. "This has revealed some big holes in our safety net, but they're holes Congress can fix," she said. November 22, 2020

WBEZ asked Dan Rodriguez whether workplaces are required to inform staffers when their co-workers test positive for COVID-19, and he explained why they are not. November 21, 2020 

The San Francisco Chronicle cited a study co-authored by Beth Redbird that used cell-phone data to help track the spread of COVID-19 through between March and May, finding that dwell-time and people per square foot were important factors. November 17, 2020

Business Insider asked Hannes Schwandt about his research into outcomes for people who graduate during a recession, and he pointed out, “Over time, what you see in these cohorts is a higher degree of mobility from one employer to the next." November 16, 2020

MarketPlace highlighted a survey by James Druckman showing that Black and Hispanic respondents had to wait almost a day longer to get the results of their COVID-19 test compared to White and Asian American respondents. November 12, 2020

The New York Times featured a new study by Beth Redbird showing that restaurants, gyms, cafes, and other crowded indoor venues accounted for roughly 8 in 10 new infections in the early months of the U.S. coronavirus epidemic. November 11, 2020

The Washington Post highlighted a new study in Nature by Beth Redbird showing that lower-income people, many of them essential workers, were less able to reduce their mobility during shutdowns and more likely to be exposed to crowded venues. November 10, 2020

Cosmopolitan asked Crystal Clark about pandemic-induced stress, and she explained that too much cortisol produced by stress increases inflammation and the likelihood of depression. November 9, 2020

In an APA survey of more than 1,000 teenagers in the U.S., 43% said that their stress levels have increased over the past year from the pandemic. Emma Adam told the New York Times that parents should look for major changes in their child’s behavior to know if they are stressed. November 3, 2020

CNBC cited Diane Schanzenbach’s research that shows the huge jump in food insecurity among American households with children. November 2, 2020

Florida Today asked Stephanie Edgerly about the impact of COVID-19 on college student voter turnout, and she said, "The social aspect is an important part when we talk about what motivates people to vote." November 2, 2020  

Beth Redbird told the Hill that worry about COVID-19 and the election helps explain grocery stockpiling: “The most worried group is women who have caretaking responsibilities. And, in general, women tend to bear the responsibility for shopping in the family.” October 30, 2020

The BBC cited Matthias Doepke’s research on how the pandemic recession differs from past recessions in its harm to women’s finances and prospects. October 26, 2020

Diane Schanzenbach sat down for an interview with the Social Distance podcast of The Atlantic about the effectiveness of government assistance during the pandemic, observing that “We’re seeing so much hardship and we’re spending precious little relief aimed at the poor.” October 26, 2020

The Wall Street Journal mentioned Matthias Doepke's study on the gender dynamics of employment in pandemic times and the long-term implications of today’s childcare decisions. October 26, 2020

Bloomberg quoted Diane Schanzenbach about how rates of food insecurity during the pandemic surpass those of the Great Recession. October 21, 2020

Market Watch highlighted a report by James Druckman demonstrating that coronavirus testing turnaround time has improved since the early months of the pandemic, but still isn’t fast enough—and racial disparities in testing persist. October 20, 2020

Fox News discussed an American Psychological Association report Emma Adam contributed to that demonstrates that the pandemic and election are major sources of stress for Americans, especially young people. October 20, 2020

WGN-TV interviewed Brian Mustanski about the study he is heading that looks at the risks COVID-19 poses to sexual and gender minorities. October 20, 2020

U.S. News and World Report quoted Emma Adam about a recent American Psychological Association study on stress she contributed to, noting that “The pandemic and its economic consequences are upending youths’ social lives and their visions for their futures.” October 20, 2020 

WGBH Boston cited survey results by James Druckman demonstrating that coronavirus testing turnaround time has improved since the early months of the pandemic, but still isn’t fast enough—and racial disparities in testing persist. October 19, 2020

The BBC noted Matthias Doepke’s research about women’s higher unemployment during the pandemic recession in contrast to other recessions. October 18, 2020

In the Washington Post, Christine Percheski said she believes COVID-19 and online classes are widening the gap between wealthier and less privileged students, who live in crowded houses with less educated parents less able to help with homework. October 16, 2020

In the Washington Post, Catherine Rampell described Hannes Schwandt’s findings that cohorts graduating into a poor labor market had higher rates of mortality. October 16, 2020

Childhood obesity is likely to increase during COVID-19. "We were making slow and steady progress until this," Diane Schanzenbach told USA Today. "It's likely we will have wiped out a lot of the progress that we've made over the last decade in childhood obesity." October 14, 2020 

WGN TV spoke to Thomas McDade about his discovery that 20% of Chicagoans tested positive in his ongoing study into the spread of COVID-19 antibodies. October 14, 2020

The Washington Post talked to Matthias Doepke about his research comparing the government response to pandemic unemployment in the U.S. and Germany, and he said that the German employment-protection model has prevented the wage gap between college-educated and less-educated workers found in the U.S. October 13, 2020

ABC7 Chicago questioned Melissa Simon about paused vaccine trials, and she emphasized it is important for vaccine developers to be open with the public so that distrust of medicine found in many communities will be dispelled. October 13, 2020

In a Hill op-ed about people who avoid the news, Stephanie Edgerly asks "how do we get quality information about the election, or COVID-19, in front of people who don’t regularly encounter news?" October 10, 2020

Diane Schanzenbach, who studies redshirting, told NPR starting kindergarten late has no long-lasting educational advantages and may even have some drawbacks, for example in lifetime earnings. October 9, 2020

ABC7 Chicago highlighted a study by Thomas McDade looking at antibodies people in Chicago carry, and he pointed out that the big question is whether people will have immune protection if they were exposed but did not get sick. October 9, 2020

Diane Schanzenbach told NPR's Paul Flahive that we've never experienced food insecurity at this level since we've been tracking the data for the last 20 years. October 7, 2020

Aljazeera cited research by Matthias Doepke that finds, unlike previous economic downturns, the coronavirus recession is likely to widen the gender wage gap by 2%. October 6, 2020

“Even decades after a recession, people who lost their jobs often have low earnings,” Matthias Doepke explained to the New York Times. His research shows this recession will likely widen the wage gap, further perpetuating the conditions that drove women out of the workplace. October 3, 2020

COVID-19 has created a female recession, as more women have been forced out of the job market, which could slow down the economic recovery. Bloomberg cited research by Matthias Doepke that shows this will likely cause the wage gap to widen. October 3, 2020

Daniel Rodriguez told WGNNews that the most concerning part of President Trump's COVID-19 diagnosis is the uncertainty about how severe his case is due to the White House’s lack of transparency. October 1, 2020

Melissa Simon, who was interviewed in a Senate report on health equity, told NPR that, "Scientists and healthcare providers have earned the distrust of patients of color from long-standing experiences of racism in research and healthcare delivery." October 1, 2020

Entrepreneur highlighted an interviewed with Matthias Doepke, where he noted that men who can work from home do about 50% more childcare than men who can't. September 29, 2020

"The very unromantic part of fertility is that it's really largely driven by economics," Hannes Schwandt told Newsweek. "For women who face recessions in their early 20s, we see persistent effects that mostly grow over time." September 28, 2020

Most people in the US have still not been exposed to the virus, according to a survey looking at COVID-19 antibodies. Thomas McDade, who was not involved in the study, told Inverse the data can show us where the virus has spread and to whom. September 28, 2020

NPR cited research by Diane Schanzenbach showing that food insecurity more than doubled as a result of the economic crisis brought on by the pandemic, and it has more than tripled among households with children. September 27, 2020

“Work needs to be done in balancing out the power dynamic between renters and landlords,” Mary Pattillo told Knowable Magazine as COVID-19 is likely to make the country’s eviction crisis even worse. September 23, 2020

In the New Yorker, Peter Slevin reports on how one Chicago Public School on the city's West Side is managing virtual learning during the pandemic. September 20, 2020

CNN cited a report looking at food insecurity by Diane Schanzenbach that finds in July nearly 11% of adults and more than 14% of adults in households with children said they sometimes or often didn't have enough to eat, which is far higher than last year. September 19, 2020

MarketWatch cited research by Matthias Dopke which shows women in the U.S. have endured steep job losses during the pandemic due to their high representation in “high-contact” service sectors such as restaurants, travel, and hospitality. September 17, 2020

The Chicago Tribune highlighted the latest survey results by Jamie Druckman and his colleagues, showing that in August, 57% of Illinois voters approved of Gov. J.B. Pritzker’s handling of the pandemic, with stronger approval among Democrats. September 14, 2020

The Wall Street Journal highlighted research by Hannes Schwandt which shows entering the labor marking during a recession can impact a graduate's earnings for more than 10 years, with high school graduates facing larger income losses than those who go to college. September 13, 2020

Texas Public Radio’s Paul Flahive spoke with Diane Schanzenbach about why it is unlikely that the latest numbers of hungry Texans dropped by more than 1 million. September 11, 2020

The Atlantic spoke with Beth Redbird about Americans’ inadequate response to the pandemic, noting “People have stopped watching news about it as much, or talking to friends about it. I think we’re all exhausted.” September 9, 2020

COVID-19 shortages and frugality have created more DIYers. “When you’re worried that the marketplace won't function, you engage in more activities necessary to produce your own food or whatever you're most worried about,” Beth Redbird told Bloomberg. September 8, 2020 

The pandemic has presented challenges for parents, but especially for single mothers. “It’s literally impossible for some of these parents to work due to childcare,” Matthias Doepke told CNBC. “It makes it really tough to buffer the shock.” September 5, 2020

New York Times cited a report published by the Washington Center for Equitable Growth in which Daniel Galvin and his colleagues find workers suffered violations of minimum-wage law as unemployment increased during the Great Recession, which could happen again in the COVID-19 recession. September 3, 2020 

The New York Times highlighted research by Diane Schanzenbach  that the latest data shows that food insecurity has gotten worse since the pandemic started. September 1, 2020 

U.S. News cited research by Matthias Doepke which shows that since women take on 40% more of childcare work than men, they have been disproportionately burdened during the pandemic and it has impacted their employment. September 1, 2020

Though food charities have absorbed much of the need for those struggling with food insecurity during the pandemic, it’s unsustainable without government help, Diane Schanzenbach explained to the Chicago Tribune.  August 28, 2020

Peter Slevin spoke on the New Yorker’s political podcast about the Republican National Convention and President's Trump election strategy of stoking fear to win a second term. August 27, 2020

“Eventually the Republican Party is going to have to adapt to demographic change,” Daniel Galvin told Bloomberg in an article about how President Trump has left a mark on the GOP. “The question is what happens in the meantime.” August 25, 2020 

“The bottom line is that the physical, long-term health consequences are very serious for people’s welfare, and in economic terms,” Hannes Schwandt told Bloomberg in a story about the lingering impact of COVID-19. August 24, 2020

Gizmodo highlighted Sera Young's new study urging policymakers to address water insecurity in low-income countries amid the global pandemic. "We all need to stop taking water for granted," she said. August 24, 2020 

In an article about how the pandemic is a threat to low-income children, New York Times reporter Jason DeParle cited studies by Diane Schanzenbach and Hannes Schwandt highlighting the devastating impact of poverty on children and young adults. August 23, 2020 

Sally Nuamah wrote in the Washington Post that according to the results of a national survey she conducted, Black and Latinx Americans are especially worried about reopening schools—but are also worried about their children falling behind. August 19, 2020

MarketWatch highlighted a study by Matthias Doepke which finds that the COVID-19 recession could widen the gender wage gap because of its disproportionate impact on women. August 14, 2020

In the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, Diane Schanzenbach Market Place that “a couple of months ago, we saw the largest single-month increase in food prices that we’ve seen in the last 50 years.” August 12, 2020

Forbes reports on food security and quoted Diane Schanzenbach, saying “Families need this ongoing support to help put food on the table now, especially with high rates of food hardship… and the federal unemployment insurance benefit boost no longer in place.” August 10, 2020

When it comes to home schooling amid the COVID-19 pandemic, Terri Sabol told  the Chicago Tribune that “Parents should be out in front of this and thinking about socialization... We all know education is more than learning ABCs.” August 6, 2020

In a Scientific American op-ed, Charles Manski writes that an "engaged and well-informed public has always been the foundation of our democracy," as he and his co-authors calls on readers to use their voice to share reliable science and encourage quality science education in schools. August 5, 2020

Diane Schanzenbach told Bloomberg that the short-term economic impacts of keeping children out of schools will be centered around childcare and loss of school meals. “Long term, the costs of all of this lost learning will be with us for decades," she said. August 5, 2020

The New York Times reported on recent survey results from James Druckman showing that across the country COVID-19 test results are not getting back in the one to two days that would help people make sure they don't infect others. August 4, 2020 

Diane Schanzenbach to WTTW about COVID-19's impact on the economy. She said that the damage to children by not having enough to eat and not learning enough in school during the pandemic will be with us for decades. August 3, 2020

NPR covered recent survey results from James Druckman showing that wait times for COVID-19 tests are taking too long  to help stop the spread of the virus. August 3, 2020

The House passed two bills that would provide immediate pandemic relief through childcare funding. A very real potential outcome of this crisis, if the aid does not pass the Senate, is an exodus of women from the workforce, Matthias Doepke told Business Insider. August 2, 2020

The 19th cited a study by Matthias Doepke showing that in married couples where both parents work full-time, women take on the overwhelming majority of childcare responsibilities, spending 40% more time taking care of their children than fathers. August 2, 2020

“Times of big social disruption call into question things we thought were normal and standard,” Beth Redbird, who is leading a national survey on COVID-19, told the Atlantic. “If our institutions fail us here, in what ways are they failing elsewhere?” August 1, 2020

Diane Schanzenbach finds that Pandemic-EBT, which aims to help children who rely on subsidized breakfasts and lunches in schools, reduced the number of hungry children by at least 2.7 million the week after states issued payments, reports the New York Times. July 30, 2020

The New York Times interviewed Beth Redbird about her ongoing COVID-19 survey: “[W]hen we give [Americans] adjective choices, they describe people who won’t distance as mean, selfish or unintelligent, not as generous, open-minded or patriotic,” she said. July 29, 2020

In a Washington Post op-ed, Daniel Rodriguez writes that we can’t stop the pandemic unless we change liability law, arguing that businesses will help with contact tracing if they aren't worried about lawsuits. July 28, 2020

Melissa Simon told NBC News it did not surprise her that women with long-term COVID-19 symptoms were having a hard time getting doctors to believe them. “There are long-standing biases that are omnipresent,” she said. July 28, 2020

Diane Schanzenbach said food insecurity is at about 25%, more than twice the pre-crisis level. “Every way you cut the data points in the same direction — that food hardship is substantially elevated,” she told the New York Times. July 28, 2020

CNN reported about a new generation of Black farmers and cited Diane Schanzenbach's research showing that food insecurity during the COVID-19 pandemic has hit the Black community particularly hard. July 25, 2020

Forbes cited a study by Matthias Doepke showing that mothers took responsibility for a much larger share of childcare than fathers before COVID-19 and likely picked-up a larger share of the extra childcare duties during the lockdown than men. July 25, 2020

Diane Schanzenbach research has shown the benefits of sending 5-year-olds to kindergarten. During COVID-19, "there are no perfect choices" for parents as they decide whether to start their children or wait another year, she told New York Times. July 23, 2020

“It’s the double-digit unemployment rate (that is) driving the increase in SNAP,”  Diane Schanzenbach explained to Fern News. “The real question is how high will that stay. SNAP rolls are driven by the macroeconomy, and right now the increase in SNAP is the safety net working the way it should.” July 20, 2020

In Real Clear News, James Druckman and his colleagues write that "fixing the public health crisis also appears necessary to fix an emerging crisis of political standing and trust" as Americans' approval of how their leaders are handling COVID-19 declines. July 20, 2020

More than six million people enrolled in food stamps in the first three months of the coronavirus pandemic. “SNAP is the universal safety net,” Diane Schanzenbach told New York Times reporter Jason DeParle. July 19, 2020 

Sera Young told Gallup News that "water insecurity is fundamental to well-being under the best of circumstances." She explained how water insecurity has been exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic. July 17, 2020

The Illinois Newsroom highlighted Diane Schanzenbach's research on food insecurity amid the #COVID19 pandemic. She said that past increases in SNAP benefits were effective for helping families combat food insecurity also helped stimulate the economy. July 13, 2020

“I think the real challenge for schools is how do you provide developmentally appropriate, high-quality learning experiences while maintaining safety of students and staff,” Terri Sabol told the Boston Globe as schools think about how to reopen in the fall. July 12, 2020

Beth Redbird, who has been conducting a nationwide survey of Americans’ attitudes about COVID-19, told ABC News that “by and large people are more worried" as case numbers continue to grow. July 12, 2020 

Terri Sabol explained to NBC Chicago that schools are faced "with a nearly impossible task" as they try to prioritize health and safety, while ensuring that education meets the needs of young children and families. July 10, 2020

Business Insider mentioned a study by Matthias Doepke showing that women do the majority of childcare, even in two-parent households, where mothers provide 70% of childcare during working hours. July 9, 2020

NBC News cited Diane Whitmore Schanzenbach's reports on food insecurity in an article about how COVID-19 has caused millions of Americans to go hungry. July 7, 2020

Diane Whitmore Schanzenbach’s research on food insecurity was highlighted in a Politico report about the racial disparities in hunger across the country. July 6, 2020

As part of a Chicago Tribune story on racial disparities among pregnant women with COVID-19, Ann Borders said the pandemic “brought its own set of issues around disparities, but also highlights issues that have been there all along.” July 2, 2020

Christine Percheski described to Fox 32 how the COVID-19 pandemic may affect the American birth rate. July 2, 2020

In speaking about a new study to test for SARS-CoV-2 antibodies, Thomas McDade told WGNTV that instead of using a “sledgehammer” approach to shut down everything, we can use “a scalpel ... to identify the more specific behaviors and policies that are most effective at preventing the transmission of the virus in the community.” July 2, 2020

The Chicago Tribune featured Thomas McDade and Brian Mustanski’s study (SCAN) to test for SARS-CoV-2 antibodies and help understand why communities of color have been harder hit. June 30, 2020

NPR’s All Things Considered reported on the debate over pricing for the COVID-19 drug remdesivir, and Craig Garthwaite noted the manufacturer’s payoff will incentivize other firms to invest in creating treatments and vaccines. June 29, 2020

Jack Doppelt appeared on CBS News to discuss the challenges around misinformation and voting by mail due to COVID-19 for the November presidential election. June 26, 2020

Yahoo! Finance cited research from Hannes Schwandt that sheds light on the lagging wages of those who graduate into a recession. June 24, 2020

Beth Redbird told the Washington Post’s Catherine Rampell that it could be constructive that Americans don’t think the U.S. is better than other countries because "maybe we decide it’s time to change institutions we’ve taken for granted.” June 22, 2020

Food insecurity is twice its rate before COVID-19 and child hunger has risen even more, according to research by Diane Whitmore Schanzenbach. Despite this, a lot of people still aren't seeing money from the CARES Act yet, she told Jason DeParle in the New York Times. June 21, 2020 

Married women spend nearly twice as much time on childcare as their husbands even when they both work full-time, according to research looking at the disproportionate impact of COVID-19 on women by Matthias Doepke cited in the Wall Street Journal. June 21, 2020

A New York Times op-ed about fatherhood amid the COVID-19 pandemic highlighted an AP story where Craig Garfield explained that it has “reshaped the way fathers are involved with their families and children.” The article also cited research by Matthias Doepke, which shows the pandemic has economically impacted women more than men. June 21, 2020

In the New York Times, Seema Jayachandran writes that recent research on raising the minimum wage at department stores and nursing homes shows that an increase in pay can boost productivity in the work force and save lives. June 18, 2020

A Financial Times op-ed mentioned an essay by Charles Manski that argued national and local COVID-19 policies should be approached as problems in decision making under uncertainty and vary by state. June 18, 2020

Craig Garfield explained to the Associated Press that because more fathers are working from home during the pandemic it is an "unprecedented opportunity" for them to be really involved with their families and children. June 18, 2020

Reuters highlighted an antibody test Thomas McDadeBrian Mustanski, and other Northwestern researchers created that will look for people who may be immune to COVID-19 and provide insight into the different virus rates across Chicago neighborhoods. June 16, 2020

Diane Schanzenbach told U.S. News that increasing SNAP benefits during the Great Recession was an effective policy to stimulate the economy and alleviate food insecurity, which suggests Congress should take a stronger response to the current pandemic. June 16, 2020

Brian Uzzi writes in Forbes how AI has emerged as a major player in the race to find COVID-19 therapies and a vaccine, highlighting a Kellogg AI tool estimating the reliability of coronavirus research. June 12, 2020

Beth Redbird discussed the results of her national survey on attitudes and behaviors related to COVID-19 with Politico Pro, and she said that 18 to 22 year-olds are among the most diligent mask-wearers. June 11, 2020

Diane Schanzenbach told Politico that it would be a great time for Congress to increase the benefits of food stamp recipients because of the high levels of food insecurity. “I just can’t believe they haven’t," she said. June 8, 2020

Claudia Haase talked to the New York Times about her research that looks at how marital disagreements can predict physical health symptoms over 20 years. June 8, 2020

"The closure of schools has revealed the many roles that schools play, particularly in the lives of our most disinvested Black and Brown communities," writes Sally Nuamah and her colleagues in an Education Week op-ed about COVID-19's impact on children. June 8, 2020

The Chronicle of Higher Education highlighted data from a survey by Beth Redbird, which revealed that only 15% of Americans support the government tracking people with the coronavirus. June 5, 2020

Food insecurity doubled overall in the United States in April, tripling among households with children, according to a report by Diane Schanzenbach highlighted in the Washington Post. June 4, 2020

We find that men who can work from home do about 50% more childcare than men who cannot,” Matthias Doepke told the New York Times about the findings of his research. "This may ultimately promote gender equality in the labor market.” June 3, 2020

CBS Chicago interviewed Crystal Clark about the heightened anxiety around racial tensions in the U.S. and COVID-19. She advised people to reach out to their community to process, monitor their feelings, and contact a professional for support. June 3, 2020 

The Economist highlighted research by Matthias Doepke about his work, which finds that COVID-19 has created more gender inequality. June 2, 2020

Hannes Schwandt told Business Insider that younger workers could be at a disadvantage if remote work becomes the new normal because it will limit their networking opportunities. May 29, 2020

Unlike previous disasters, the U.S. doesn’t seem to be unifying in its response to COVID-19. “It has been a solidarity- and trust-destroying disaster,” Beth Redbird told the Guardian about what the results of her survey reveals. May 23, 2020

In an op-ed for the Hill,  Diane Whitmore Schanzenbach writes that “it would be unconscionable and heart-breaking to miss the opportunity to ease the suffering and spur economic growth in this next round of stimulus aid. May 22, 2020

Diane Whitmore Schanzenbach told WGN that “11% of Chicagoans have gone to a food pantry over the past week,” and “almost one out of every five families with children have had to turn to a food pantry.” May 21, 2020

The New York Times' newsletter In Her Words highlighted research by Matthias Doepke, which shows that while women will be disproportionately impacted by COVID-19 compared to men, the pandemic could lead to a cultural change as men take on more childcare and housework while working from home. May 20, 2020

Beth Redbird told the Atlantic that according to a survey she’s conducting,  “70 to 75% of people support most social-distancing measures… we rarely see that outside of authoritarian polling.” May 20, 2020

The New York Times cited research from Hannes Schwandt and his co-author that found those who entered the labor market during the recession of the early 1980s were “less likely to be married or to have children, and more likely to die young.” May 19, 2020

Thomas McDade explained to Reuters that a CDC study to track how the new coronavirus is spreading across the country into next year and beyond, may not “generate results that are generalizable to the population." May 18, 2020

 In the Washington Post, Craig Garthwaite writes that we should be cautious about underpricing drugs for COVID-19 treatments. May 18, 2020

Peter Slevin reports in the New Yorker that President Trump's campaign has brought an angry tone to the election during the COVID-19 era. May 16, 2020

Christine Percheski talked to John Howell on WLS 890AM about why COVID-19 is predicted to lower the Illinois population. May 15, 2020

Christine Percheski told Politico that Illinois' population is likely to continue its decline in the wake of COVID-19, and it’s “just a matter of how much.” May 15, 2020

As an illness possibly linked to COVID-19 begins to appear in children who have contracted it, Craig Garfield of Lurie Children's Hospital told ABC7 Chicago that he doesn’t think it will affect many children, but urged parents to reach out to their doctor with questions. May 14, 2020

In a NBC News op-ed, Joanne Lipman cited research by Matthias Doepke which finds that COVID-19's disproportionate effect on “women's employment is ‘likely to be persistent,’ and workers who lose jobs are ‘likely to have less secure employment in the future.’” May 14, 2020

On NPR’s Marketplace, Matthew Notowidigdo described how bankruptcy provides a “fresh start” after times of economic distress like the coronavirus recession. May 14, 2020

Hannes Schwandt told Business Insider that although graduates entering the job market now face a “more difficult starting position,” that “doesn't mean they can't get to their spot where they are supposed to be.”  May 9, 2020

In the Atlantic, Charles C. Mann writes about the “long-term, powerful aftereffects” of pandemics, citing Craig Garthwaite's research on children born during the 1918 flu pandemic who were sicker as adults — and what this might mean for COVID-19. May 9, 2020

Craig Garthwaite discussed the potential pricing of remdesivir with NPR, saying the price should be "generous" in order to encourage further development of potential COVID-19 treatments. May 8, 2020

During the Great Recession, Congress increased SNAP benefits and by 2013 nearly 20 million people had joined the program. “This is what you want a safety net to do — expand in times of crisis,”  Diane Whitmore Schanzenbach," told the New York Times. May 6, 2020

Thomas McDade talked to Fox News about a COVID-19 antibodies test he is developing and said the test will also help in “ascertaining the true prevalence and mortality rate of infection.” May 6, 2020

Annette D’Onofrio explained to the Chicago Tribune that language used during the COVID-19 pandemic “sounds like people trying to take control of their world, which is what happens in big moments." May 6, 2020

Amid the financial shocks that hospitals and health care providers are currently experiencing, Craig Garthwaite told the Washington Post that many are asking themselves “How efficient can you be in a world of social distancing?” May 4, 2020

Fortune Magazine covered Brian Uzzi's efforts to use A.I. to help better predict whether COVID19-related studies can be replicated. May 4, 2020

In Politico, David Rapp explains why some Trump supporters continue to promote the drug hydroxychloroquine despite flawed evidence for its effectiveness against COVID-19, while raising red flags about promising studies of remdesivir. May 2, 2020

Beth Redbird told Crain's Chicago that there is so much uncertainty about COVID-19 that even if political leaders encourage people to go back to stores, they will continue to avoid them. May 1, 2020

Sally Nuamah spoke to City Lab about her forthcoming book, Closed for Democracy, which looks at the political fallout of school closings on black and Latino families, as well as how COVID-19 will impact schools. May 1, 2020

Fay Lomax Cook and the National Academy of Social Insurance's Elaine Weiss argue in the Hill about the “potentially lethal blow” of COVID-19 on older workers, urging Congress to provide relief through Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, and Unemployment Insurance. May 1, 2020

In the Hill, Sera Young and Josh Miller write with limited water, handwashing to stop the spread of COVID-19 is compromised, highlighting the need to address water insecurity across the world. April 27, 2020

The Chicago Tribune interviewed Celeste Watkins-Hayes about stigma around the coronavirus, and she encouraged people who had contracted the virus to tell their stories about testing positive and getting through it. April 27, 2020

“There’s been an increase in the frequency with which we fight with our partner and an increase of stress,” Beth Redbird told Honolulu Civil Beat, based on the results of her national survey looking at how COVID-19 has affected life in the U.S. April 26, 2020

Fox 43 highlighted research by Matthias Doepke showing that women will shoulder more child care than men, but because more dads are staying home with their children it could bring greater gender equality. April 25, 2020

Lori Ann Post told WGN Radio that the COVID-19 lockdown has increased domestic abuse calls to police in Chicago, but because victims don't have the freedom to file police reports in person, fewer are being filed. April 23, 2020

Peter Slevin reports in the New Yorker that Chicago’s opening will be gradual and information about how many people have contracted COVID-19 won’t come quickly, especially if the gaps in testing remain unfilled.  April 22, 2020

The Paycheck Protection Program is supposed to help small businesses with fewer than 500 employees, but large chains have been able to access it, too. Benjamin Jones told WTTW that the money is well motivated, but not well targeted. April 20, 2020

Fortune discussed research by Hannes Schwandt showing the negative consequences of graduating during a recession, and he said “the bad luck of leaving school during hard times can lead to higher rates of early death and permanent differences in life circumstances.” April 20, 2020

Hannes Schwandt spoke to WNYC about how graduating during an economic downturn can impact long-term earnings and lead to worse health outcomes later in life, making those entering the workforce a particularly vulnerable population. April 17, 2020

Forbes highlighted research by Matthias Doepke looking at how the economic downturn from COVID-19 has disproportionately impacted women, but could change gender norms around childcare and housework as women remain in essential roles in healthcare and education. April 17, 2020 

Seth Stein explained to WGN Radio that the earth is quieting down, or its seismic noise has decreased, because human activity like driving or operating machinery has slowed during the pandemic. April 17, 2020

WTTW talked to Melissa Simon about what doctors and hospitals are doing to keep pregnant women safe, noting that they don't believe pregnant women are at increased risk for COVID-19 and mothers who have tested positive have safely delivered babies. April 16, 2020

Facebook will begin warning users if they interact with misinformation about COVID-19. Stephanie Edgerly told the Associated Press this may not stop the spread of false claims because users might see misinformation in their Facebook feed but not share, like, or comment on it. April 16, 2020

Diane Whitmore Schanzenbach and Lauren Bauer argue in the Hill that all states should move to an electronic grocery voucher plan and shut down school meal sites to avoid putting families and school workers at risk. April 15, 2020

Higher Ed cited research by David Figlio showing that online classes do not offer the same quality of education as face-to-face classes and research by Hannes Schwandt, which finds that graduates entering the job market during a recession had lower earnings. April 15, 2020 

"Older adults are often masters in turning their attention away from information that is threatening, upsetting and negative," Claudia Haase told the New York Times so they don't perceive threats, like COVID-19, the same way younger people do. April 15, 2020

The Daily Northwestern talked to Celeste Watkins-Hayes about the racial differences in Evanston's COVID-19 cases. She said compared to the HIV/AIDS outbreak, now there's more awareness of racial health statistics. April 11, 2020

HealthDay interviewed Lori Post about the increase in domestic violence during the coronavirus pandemic. April 10, 2020

Benjamin Jones explained to NBC Chicago that unemployment benefits from the state would be larger, come faster, and last longer than benefits from the federal government. April 10, 2020

In the Chicago Tribune columnist Steve Chapman cited a survey from Beth Redbird showing that in mid-March people were more worried about disruptions from COVID-19 than contracting the virus. Now, they’re more concerned about getting sick. April, 10, 2020

In his newsletter, New York Times columnist Nicholas Kristof highlighted work by Sera Young showing that globally 1 in 4 households don't have access to water to wash their hands. In some places only half the population could wash their hands in the prior month. April 9, 2020

Crime has gone down in Chicago because of COVID-19, but will it last? “What is missing is the fact that people are still suffering,” Andrew Papachristos told the Trace. “The danger is to take your eye off the other things… the drivers for violence are still there.” April 4, 2020

In the New Yorker, Peter Slevin reported how Illinois politicians Governor J.B. Pritzker and Mayor Lori Lightfoot are working to confront the coronavirus despite a chaotic federal response. April 4, 2020

CNN highlighted a new working paper by Matthias Doepke, which shows that women will shoulder the majority of the child care responsibilities during the COVID-19 outbreak, but he predicts that men will increase their participation in housework and child care. April 4, 2020

Reuters spoke to Hannes Schwandt about the consequences of an extended economic freeze, and he said that it could shorten the lifespan of 6.4 million Americans entering the job market.  April 3, 2020

Eli Finkel writes in Business Insider, that to preserve—and even strengthen—your relationship during COVID-19 you need to "recalibrate expectations of what the relationship can realistically provide under the circumstances." April 3, 2020

In the Chicago Tribune, Terri Sabol explained that low-income families are hit especially hard during economic downturns, and policymakers should figure out ways to reduce the burden of child care from parents who have lost it with school closings. April 1, 2020

The New York Times spoke to Matthias Doepke about his new research, which finds that women will be disproportionately impacted by COVID-19 through unemployment and because they will take on the extra work of child care while schools are closed. March 31, 2020 

The safety net is stronger because of the recent stimulus bill, but what happens when the coronavirus ends? In the New York Times, Diane Whitmore Schanzenbach estimates nearly 20% of immigrant households with food stamps will lose benefits because of previous work requirements. “You can’t talk about the safety net today without talking about immigrants,” she said. March 31, 2020

Matthew Notowidigdo addressed the economic devastation caused by the coronavirus in Governing, writing that now is the time to ease access to safety net programs. March 31, 2020

PBS NewsHour mentioned research by Hannes Schwandt, which shows that short-term economic hardship can have an effect on health years later. March 30, 2020

In Scientific American, Charles Manski writes that the prevailing epidemiological models for the coronavirus pandemic do not take economic and ethical concerns into account. March 28, 2020

The Chicago Tribune’s Mary Schmich discussed the uncertainties of having a baby during the COVID-19 pandemic with Melissa Simon. March 27, 2020

In conversation with Marketplace about the legislative response to the coronavirus, Matthew Notowidigdo explains the consistent finding that the longer unemployment benefits are available, the longer people will go between jobs. March 27, 2020

A New York Time op-ed cited a Politico essay by Monica Prasad, who notes that this is a dangerous political moment for Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden. March 27, 2020

Claudia Haase wrote a blog post in Medium about how to talk to your parents and older adults about staying home. March 27, 2020

Wesley Skogan explained to WBEZ that crime has been lower in Chicago because “the coronavirus crisis is reducing people’s exposure to risk, keeping them inside, keeping them out of risky places, keeping them out of bars and restaurants." March 26, 2020

A recent poll shows that older people may have less exposure to the coronavirus. Charles Manski told Reuters that this could be because they tend to have smaller social circles and may be more cautious than younger people. March 26, 2020

In CBS Chicago, Melissa Simon explained that it's normal for new mothers to feel anxious or more depressed and confused because of the coronavirus. She said if you are feeling this way to please reach out for help. March 26, 2020

“It may be tempting to stay up late binge-watching your favorite shows because you don’t have to go to work in the morning, but it is more important than ever to prioritize your sleep,” Kristen Knutson told the New York Times. March 25, 2020

Monica Prasad writes in Politico Magazine that during the coronavirus pandemic, Joe Biden can learn from the historical example of Ronald Reagan, who ran for president in 1980 amid the Iranian hostage crisis. March 25, 2020

Women who are expecting during the coronavirus pandemic are facing a stressful environment, Melissa Simon told the Daily Herald. She encouraged them to reach out to their healthcare provider for support, including from a counselor over video. March 25, 2020

Dean Karlan and Paola Sapienza signed an open letter to Congress urging lawmakers to prioritize individuals and households over corporations in the coronavirus bailout bill. March 24, 2020

Melissa Simon told the Today Show that due to the coronavirus, visits to women giving birth, are restricted, saying at Northwestern Memorial Hospital "we only allow one visitor, and they can’t be switched." March 23, 2020

Benjamin Jones told Marketplace that the coronavirus could hit the service industry hardest. “You can defer the TV, the couch, the home repair, the car, but a lot of the demand that’s lost on the service side is lost permanently." March 23, 2020

In the HillJay Shambaugh cites Diane Whitmore Schanzenbach's work showing how SNAP benefits can serve as an economic support for low-income households during times of crisis. March 23, 2020

Lori Ann Post told the Charleston Post and Courier that by ordering takeout during the COVID-19 pandemic Americans can “save the economy … and you’ll have really tasty food." March 18, 2020

Michelle Birkett writes in Scientific American that scientists need to be empowered as part of a society-wide collaboration to fight the spread of the coronavirus, including working with policymakers at the local and federal level. March 18, 2020 

Northwestern president Morton Schapiro wrote about leadership during the coronavirus outbreak in the Chicago Tribune, saying “when you are in a crisis, you need to model resilience and empathy.” March 17, 2020

Melissa Simon told the Chicago Tribune that for pregnant mothers worried about transmitting coronavirus to newborns, the biggest issue is personal contact and that “as long as you’re practicing good hygiene, you’ll reduce any chance of transmission.”  March 16, 2020

Terri Sabol recommended to the Illinois Newsroom that caregivers of children who are home from school due to the coronavirus should limit screen time, provide structured activity, and break up the day with physical and outdoor activity. March 16, 2020

In a Washington Post op-ed, Dean Karlan and Susan Athey encourage people to help mitigate the economic effects of the coronavirus by donating to food banks and medical charities, and leaving larger-than-usual tips. March 16, 2020

After Fox News’ Sean Hannity compared the number of coronavirus deaths to homicides in Chicago, Linda Teplin told the Chicago Tribune that given how little is known about the virus, “It’s apples and oranges, that’s why I think it’s not an apt comparison.” March 13, 2020 

A New York Times op-ed mentioned policy responses from Diane Whitmore Schanzenbach and Lauren Bauer on how the government can ensure food security during COVID-19 by increasing food purchasing power and expanding SNAP benefits. March 11, 2020 

In USA Today, Héctor Carrillo compared coronavirus to the HIV pandemic, saying “We’re seeing an initial emphasis on the need to alter interactions.... We’re being asked to alter them fairly rapidly and immediately to reduce the possibilities of transmission." March 12, 2020 

For the Brookings Institution, Diane Whitmore Schanzenbach and Lauren Bauer wrote about how increased funding for SNAP is a key part of any efforts to fight COVID-19 with financial stimulus. March 9, 2020

Rebecca Seligman discussed the process of naming an illness with Vox. She said that calling the coronavirus outbreak a neutral name like Covid-19 can "help temper some of the overreacting that people might be doing." February 14, 2020

Photo credit: CDC/ Alissa Eckert, MS; Dan Higgins, MAMS 

Published: December 30, 2020.