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Drivers of Racial Differences in C-Sections

Adriana Corredor-Waldron, Janet Currie, and IPR's Molly Schnell find that Black mothers are more likely than White mothers to undergo unnecessary C-sections, increasing their risk for complications.

Fourteen New Experts Join IPR to Strengthen Policy Innovation

September 27, 2024
images of several faculty
Faculty explore critical topics including artificial intelligence, teen brain development, inequality, and gender dynamics.

How Immigration Laws Influence Family Planning

September 3, 2024
hispanic woman holding a baby
New study shows links between immigration policies and how many kids Hispanic adults want.

Public Trust in Drinking Water Safety Is Low Globally

August 26, 2024
image of glass of water
A new study finds that over half of adults surveyed worldwide don't trust the quality of their water.

Faculty Spotlight: Eli Finkel

August 15, 2024
Eli Finkel
IPR social psychologist’s research sits at the intersection of relationships and politics.

Research Excellence. Policy Impact.

Rigorous, interdisciplinary social science research for the common good

Capitol building


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Kirabo Jackson

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IPR faculty researchers are leaders in their respective fields and stand ready to share their expertise. If you are interested in interviewing an IPR faculty member or covering their research, use the resources below or contact us. We're here to help you get the story.

Thom McDade and Chris Kuzawa


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Onnie Rogers with Student


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Alondra Nelson and Andrew Papachristos
Each academic year, we organize more than 40 policy-relevant events. See our upcoming events and join our community for robust debate and discussion.