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Water Insecurity Experiences (WISE) Scales

Cross-culturally validated tools to measure water access and use


The WISE Scales enhance and expand the ability to measure problems with water experienced by households and individuals.

Specifically, the Water Insecurity Experiences (WISE) Scales enables scientists, program developers, community leaders, and policymakers to determine the magnitude of water insecurity within and across communities, track its changes over time, inform the development and implementation of targeted policies and programs to improve water security, and measure the effectiveness of various interventions.

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Data collection in Kathmandu, Nepal.

Measuring Water Insecurity Experiences

Learn about the importance of measuring water insecurity experiences, the advantages of using the WISE Scales, and how to access and utilize the scales.
Get Started
woman washing dishes

Application of the Scales

From publications to media mentions, see how the scales are being applied.

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