Research News
The Power of Balanced Messaging
A study by IPR social psychologist Mesmin Destin finds that messages about the positive power of a student’s background can support the achievement and wellbeing of marginalized high school or college students.
Read recent IPR research, including studies that examine policy and science during the pandemic, whether bipartisan lawmakers are more effective, and the extent to which classroom quality varies within a Head Start center.
With gun violence at a 20-year high in Chicago, a recent report by IPR’s Northwestern Neighborhood & Network Initiative (N3), led by IPR sociologist Andrew Papachristos, examines a promising program that seeks to help individuals at the highest risk for gun violence in some of Chicago’s most violence-ridden neighborhoods.
Faculty Opinion
"If we’re right that one of the key reasons why high-dosage tutoring is effective is its ability to personalize instruction, then that has become only more crucial, given the disruptions that kids have experienced because of the pandemic, and how those disruptions have not been borne equally by all kids."
Working Papers
Endogenous Quality Investments in the U.S. Hospital Market (WP-20-32)
Craig Garthwaite, Christopher Ody, and Amanda Starc
Parallel Inverse Aggregate Demand Curves in Discrete Choice Models (WP-20-33)
Kory Kroft, René Leal Vizcaíno, Matthew Notowidigdo, and Ting Wang
Public Opinion, Crisis, and Vulnerable Populations: The Case of Title IX and COVID-19 (WP-20-34)
James Druckman and Elizabeth Sharrow
Affective Polarization, Local Contexts, and Public Opinion in America (WP-20-35)
James Druckman, Samara Klar, Yanna Krupnikov, Matthew Levendusky, and John Barry Ryan
The Opioid Epidemic Was Not Caused by Economic Distress But by Factors That Could Be More Rapidly Addressed (WP-20-36)
Janet Currie and Hannes Schwandt
IPR's events for the spring 2021 quarter will be held online. Registration is required to join. You can always find the latest event information by visiting our online calendar.
April 5: "Designing Survey Modules by Combining Qualitative Interview Data and Machine Learning" by Seema Jayachandran (IPR/ Econ.)
April 12: "The Human Microbiome and Health Inequities" by Katherine Amato (Anthro./ IPR )
April 19: "How, and How Early, Do We Begin to 'See' Race? Developmental Entry Points and Research Challenges" by Sandra Waxman (IPR/ Psych.)
April 26: TBA by Kirabo Jackson (IPR/SESP)